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torsdag 30 maj 2024

Running Prompts

Running Tips:

Create a daily running routine and stick to it, this will help you build a habit and make it easier to continue.

Generate a running playlist with high-energy songs to keep you motivated during your run.

Write down your running goals and track your progress, this will help you stay accountable and motivated.

Create a meal plan that includes foods with the necessary nutrients to fuel your runs such as carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

Generate a list of healthy snacks that will provide energy during your run such as energy bars, fruits, or nuts.

Write a blog post about the importance of staying hydrated during a run and how to properly hydrate before, during, and after your run.

Create a vision board that includes your running goals and motivators to help you stay focused and driven.

Generate a list of inspiring running quotes to keep you motivated during your training and races.

Write about the benefits of running for mental health and how it can improve your mood and reduce stress.

Create a running safety checklist including things like running in well-lit areas, wearing reflective gear, and carrying a phone.

Generate a list of self-defense moves to help you stay safe while running alone.

Write about the importance of stretching before and after a run to prevent injury and maintain flexibility.

Create a beginner running plan that gradually increases mileage and includes rest days to prevent injury and burnout.

Generate a list of interval workouts to help you improve speed and endurance during your runs.

Write about the benefits of incorporating strength training into your running routine and provide a sample strength workout for runners.

Create a calendar of upcoming running events in your area to help you plan and prepare for races.

Generate a list of tips for running your first race, including how to properly fuel, pacing strategies, and mental preparation.

Write about the benefits of running for charity and how to find charity running events to participate in.

Create a plan for running a 5K race, including how to properly train for the distance and pacing strategies.

Generate a list of tips for running a half marathon, including how to properly fuel, pacing strategies, and mental preparation.

Write about the benefits of trail running and how to properly prepare for the unique challenges of trail running.

Create a list of local running clubs or online running communities to help you connect with other runners and stay motivated.

Generate a list of fun running challenges to participate in with a group of friends or online community.

Write about the benefits of running with a partner or group and how it can improve your performance and overall enjoyment of running.

Create a daily gratitude practice to help you stay positive and motivated during your runs.

Generate a list of mental strategies to help you push through tough runs, such as positive self-talk and visualization.

Write about the importance of setting realistic running goals and how to adjust your goals as needed to avoid burnout or injury.

Journal Prompts for Newer Runners:

Why running? Of all the activities you could do, why did you start running?

What stories do you tell yourself about your running, racing or fitness (for example, I’m too big to run, I’m too slow to race)? Where did these beliefs come from? Have you ever tested them?

What expectations and demands do you place on yourself relating to your health and fitness? Are those expectations fair and realistic given your physical limitations and life’s other demands?

Do you consider yourself ‘a runner’? Why or why not? If you don’t (yet!) consider yourself runner, what do you think you need to accomplish before you do? Why is that the benchmark you’ve set?

Write about your most frequent reasons for procrastination or common excuses for not running or eating right. What can you do to overcome those excuses?

I am grateful for my body because…

What are your bucket list running experiences and races?

How did you view running and fitness as a child? How do these opinions or experiences impact your running or how you view what you are capable of today?

Describe your perfect run. What’s the weather like? Who are you with (if anyone)? Is it a short run or a long run?

What can you do today that you couldn’t do 30 days ago? 1 year ago?

What part(s) of running do you wish you were better at? How can you work to get better?

Collect some running quotes and mantras that resonate with you and add them to your journal.

Who are your running friends and role models? What have you learned from them? How have they impacted your running?

What advice or pep talk would you like to give yourself? Write the words you need to hear.

Consider a terrible run you’ve had. What did you learn from that run that you wouldn’t have otherwise learned? What is (at least one) positive take-away from this terrible run?


Your Early Days running

Why did you start running?

What are your earliest memories about running?

How did you view running and fitness as a child? How do these opinions or experiences impact your running or how you view what you are capable of today?

You As A Runner

What does it mean to you to ‘be a runner’?

When did you first consider yourself ‘a runner’?

Do you consider yourself a runner or a person who runs? In other words, do you consider running part of your identity, or a thing you do?

Do you have a running role model? How have they influenced you?

What do you like and dislike most about yourself as a runner?

What expectations and demands do you place on yourself relating to running or your health and fitness? Are those expectations fair and realistic given your genetics, your physical limitations, and your life’s other demands?


Why do you run?

What do you get out of running, mentally and physically?

What do you enjoy most about running?

What does having running in your life mean to you?

Describe your perfect run.

What stories do you tell yourself about your running, racing or fitness? What long-held (but untested) views impact what you try to do today?

What do you consider a success in running?

What part of running do you wish you were better at? How can you work to get better?

Running and Racing

How do races fit into your running (if at all)?

If you could never run another race, would you still continue to run?

Your Running Goals

What do you want to accomplish as a runner?

What are your bucket list running experiences and races?

How do you prioritize your running goals?

What is your biggest running priority right now?

Consider your running goal. Write about it as if you’ve already achieved it, for example, “I have just crossed the finish line of my first marathon…”

Running Memories

What running stories do you tell over and over?

What are your favorite running and racing memories?

What are your most vivid running and racing memories?

Sometimes the most memorable moments are often the smallest. Consider 5 tiny moments that have changed your running.

Think about the period of your life for which you have the greatest nostalgia. Why do you think you are so nostalgic about it? What elements could you revive in your life now?

When have you really impressed yourself?

Where were you this time last year / 5 years ago / 10 years ago? What has changed? What can you do now that you couldn’t do then?

‘Success’ and ‘Failure’

Consider a terrible run or a terrible race you’ve had. What did you learn from this that you wouldn’t have otherwise learned? What is (at least one) positive take-away from this terrible run?

Do you believe this statement can be true? Why or why not: “Some days, doing poorly is the most important result that could happen.”

Think about your regrets and negative self-beliefs. Write about them. What is (at least) one positive thing from each of these negative experiences in your life?

What mistake or failure are you grateful for?

What do you usually say to yourself when you fail at something? How can you make this self-talk more productive?

Write about your most frequent reasons for procrastination or common excuses for not running or eating right. What can you do to overcome those excuses?

Running and Motivation

What inspires you?

What motivates you?

What do you find discouraging or demotivating?

Recall some of the best advice you’ve ever received.

What advice or pep talk would you like to give yourself? Write the words you need to hear.

Running and Gratitude

What are you grateful for?

What positive, useful, or helpful things in your life are you taking for granted?

Open your phone and find a photo you like. Why are you grateful for this photo? Who and what are you grateful for in the photo?

Running And Body Image

How has running impacted your view of your body or your self-confidence?

“I am grateful for my body because…”

Describe how you see yourself in 10 words. Describe how you think others see you in 10 words. Describe how you wish others saw you in 10 words. Compare the lists. What changes can you make to bring these lists closer together?

Write about something you know you can do better than most people

What areas of yourself could be improved? How can you go about improving yourself?

What do you like the most about yourself?

Running and Your Real Life

What have you learned from running that you’ve used in other parts of your life?

What has running brought into your life that you otherwise wouldn’t have had?

What do you value?

What are 25 things that make you smile? Be sure to encounter (at least) one of these things daily.

What things do you regularly do that you don’t enjoy doing?

What things do you like to do but that you don’t do very often?

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