I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!

- Excellent-a true......!
- Im honestly shocked, and I know my mom is happy because this is the first time my g-ma has actually came around and talked to my mom frequently and shit.
- So this Friday Im going to be busy..
- And the 4th of July is the perfect time too!
- PureBitterness04: My mom is beginning to like the idea of me majoring in Psychology.
- Of course Jon's nick name around here is Tex lol inside joke.. maybe youll get it if you think for a second.
- She called me a fucking lesbo!
- So Shotty is sitting there looking at me as if Im crazy.
- And my moms looking at me as if Im freaking her out!
- And shes getting older and these are going to be the years where she needs us.
- And I hadnt called anyone on Sunday cause I was gone the whole day!
- But earlier that morning my mom had called my dads mom which would be my g-ma but in my book she hasnt earned the grandmotherly term.
- Saturday night we had to go to my dads friends house for a cook out.
- She seemed really concerned about everythang.
- But she might be lezbian before then so.. who knows!
- PureBitterness04: I could be upbeat...
- And I dont like that!
- And my mom is sitting there trying to convince herself that theres nothing wrong with me and that theres a reason for everythang thats happening to me, but it doesnt have to do with something major.
- Jon and my dad get along great which is so awesome because my dad cant stand alot of my guy friends.
- No one appreciates my bitchy sarcasm like your psycho-homicidal-suicidal-incest-deer humping prone self.
- They were really beautiful, the fire works that is.
- Im so doing that!
- PureBitterness04: So she leaves you a permanent little Thank You gift for giving her the time of day?
- And it hurt, and Shotty couldnt understand why it did hurt, and I have my mom sitting there in front of me with Tasha.
- So my dad had the biggest attitude Friday night and so did his momma!
- That was the worst doctors appointment Ive ever had in my life!
- conversatioin conversation mockingbird considering maybe goosebumps someone just yesterday listening definatly right going about school really williams tenessee probably official enjoying anything actually happy through thought started stalker silence shivers seconds reading minutes leaving killing fucking english classes borders awesome things sounds slowly silent shitty seduce pulled person people myself lights except crying couple connor better become around well weed time back out now got all worry whole while wants usual twasn today think there spank since shall place paper later kinda floor doing dirty bucks bring bitch awful after me won who how him but wish went want turn
- Maybe I'll lock the door, turn off all the lights and lay on the floor, listening to the silence around me, that is if time will stop and things will be silent for a couple minutes.
- Connor pulled me out back after school got out and started crying to me about how awful and dirty he felt for fucking and leaving me.
- short registration because school interpretation accountability remember wednesday sometimes different going about library particularly interpreting starting previous admitted there researching overwhelmed opportunity miscellaney interaction information implication imagination contributed complaining application just feel myself tightening sentencing repeatedly relatively randomness productive incredibly fruitfully fight excitement diligently admissions all without married excited despite anthony what know yesterday statement something precisely placement permanent misplaced literally liberated immensely contacted consuming concerned committed cluttered christian chemistry believing beautiful admission like back until doubt things saying really person having friday before year whispers thorough thinking terribly surprise stripped revealed research probably only neuroses many last journeys instance grateful
- It is particularly painful to me that as I find myself enjoying my research, and believing that it is productive and thorough, I am sentencing myself to permanent exile.
- There were always excuses before, and they've all been stripped away.
- I'm writing this because I don't know where else to start, because I need accountability, and because I want to work out all the things that are lying cluttered in my head.
- I'm complaining now despite the fact that yesterday I was very social - I went out on a long walk with Melinda, a quick dinner and then the movie with her too - and for lunch, I had a surprise visit from Lauren, a girl I met in Morocco last year.
- It's seven o'clock in the evening and I haven't spoken to anyone today.
- How many couples who have been married for only a year can afford to have only one person working, and not only that, but the other person costing money, without having to do much belt tightening at all?
- She was in for the weekend and contacted me repeatedly and like a big flake I didn't get back to her until Monday and then she was generous enough to come down to campus and hang out with me.
- And the thing is, today, looking at the argument we had, I know it's all about me re-interpreting what he's saying to mean what I feel about myself.
- They're the same whispers, and sometimes shouts, of self-doubt I've been longing for so long to defeat.
- And then there are moments, like when I walked out of the Chemistry placement test when I think: I am so very, very screwed.
- I am a 20-something Christian woman, newly married and incredibly excited about the journeys I'm starting.
- In the last 5 years, I've misplaced the drive and imagination to write stories.
- And I think: I can remember all the information I forgot, I can remember how to learn!
- And of course, the poor guy has to deal with my neuroses, because I do feel like I've ruined my previous attempts, and that this time I'll spoil it all, too.
- The fact is the class registration is what went awry, but the admissions application was just fine and accepted.
- I'm giving up a stable, good-paying job, to go back to school and probably fail?!?!
- This despite the fact that I was out and about; or precisely because of the fact that I was out and about, diligently and fruitfully researching.
- because depression quintessential obviously psychiatrist myself thinking unfortunate personality grandmother grandfather categorized witchcraft tremendous everything every conquerors confidence about yesterday suspicion strangers purveyors johndavid exchanged excellent edinburgh diaryland diagnosed cathartic burlesque want feel sorry black things school moment universe thoughts superior superest standard slightly needless ministry like gestures deleting constant conjured concerts cheating attitude anything don tired think still unified tonight talking shrinks rubbish respect regular refried rebuild purpose pressie minutes illness heading fecking exactly dumping coolest content cheated belfast attempt anyways another academy self does come won ulster twenty though target stream social sister should shoddy shirts really random
- I go to the library, I go to a different library, I go to a different library, I come home to an empty house.
- What he was saying was relatively neutral, hedging on the side of him being concerned for me.
- I swear, I went from 130 to 125 last year; this year I'll get down to 120.
- The closer I get to going back to school, the more excitement I feel building, and the less doubt and fear.
- There was no implication in any of the things he said that he thinks I'm a failure and a screw up.
- Anthony's interpretation of a statement Ilsa made was that I had never actually been admitted to the school on my previous tries.
- I'm committed now and there's no doubt that I'll be starting on January 3rd.
- Obviously I have depression because a psychiatrist diagnosed me after talking with me for only twenty minutes.
- And I have taken this shoddy start and used it to feel sorry for myself.
- Too tired to attempt another go with the witchcraft purveyors we call shrinks.
- A constant stream of thoughts enter my head all with unified purpose of making me feel like refried shit.
- I tried dumping the Boy again because I like to shoot myself in the foot and losing him would have been a cherry on top of my eat shit pie.
- I don't want to tell you how I feel about the things that happen and how I fear the things that have yet to be.
- I don't like that I'm categorized as 'The Regular Joe' - quintessential standard conjured by the word 'Friend'.
- On the way home the Academy bus was right beside us on the road and, needless to say, there were some unfortunate gestures exchanged.
- I'm nice and pissed off at myself every moment of the day.
- Got to go now and put gas in the car.
- Not because I don't want to live in the black hub of the universe with you, but because it seems cheap.
- I think I might take that test over.
- The conquerors lost *rolls eyes* but he did say the solo concerts were excellent *grins*.
- Every bit of confidence, every bit of self-respect, every ounce of self-esteem...
- It's not exactly cathartic at this point to type out everything that I hate about myself and just leave it lying for random strangers to find.
- I'm heading up to Queens tonight to spend a few days with the uni crew which should be tremendous craic.
- silver card with an embossed
- since they ve already watched
- since we were both in
- children marriage financially emotionally experience circumstances fortunate school intervention adoption spiritually miscarriage really people understand struggling programmer elementary california attributes accidental through married husband however because yesterday vacations scenarios pregnancy placement medically important fertility expensive education drugstore beginning beautiful advantage what were very result myself degree career together southern pregnant knocking just educated downhill deserved delivery decision daughter curative criteria computer bringing apparent adoptive abortion we years until truly there since ready early about working suppose someone provide pleased parents obvious nurture nothing mistake missing mention looking lacking knowing keeping imagine herself handled essence deserve control college brought amazing when
- Patty and Kenton have been married for 10 years.
- We are truly fortunate to have found them.
- I didn't find out I was pregnant until almost three months in...
- I am of the firm belief that children deserve to be brought up in a home where they are wanted.
- Only then, we were also struggling financially.
- We knew that adoption would be the route from the start.
- But I will never regret how I handled the result.
- I hear a lot of talk about the downhill slope of fertility.
- Any of these scenarios are fine with me.
- I do know that when we are ready for children we will have what it takes emotionally, spiritually, financially, and more to make sure that they have every advantage.
- He is a great kid and its obvious just by looking at him that he has been raised well by two very loving parents.
- Many people wait until their 30s to have children.
- She has had her career and is ready to devote herself 100% to children.
- When I caught myself doing that, I really knew that circumstances were not of the sort where we should be keeping her.
- The looks on their faces provide my mind with the most beautiful photos to turn back to.
- I also prayed for miscarriage.