I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
söndag 23 juni 2024

Prompts - Story starters


  • Oh shit, I am so easily distracted.
  • Well, A lucky break this week.
  • Sidney's over.
  • Too lazy to post.
  • I wish maybe but unfortunantly no.
  • It's so depressing.
  • Bagel the tape and try to get mr.
  • OOOH i saw this majorly cute guy @ the high school thing yesterday, he was brown hair with dyed blond tips and he was holding a lacrosse stick, i hate lacross so much its not even funny.
  • Time to go do homework instead of anything involving the computer!
  • Shes gonna show the principle mr.
  • I thought that was over.
  • If I think about it in a calm, rational fashion, I think I'm alarmed to realize how little I know this girl...?
  • Yo so i have like no idea what to write about now, soooooo uhhhh yeah.
  • Maybe sabrina isnt such a bitch, cuz she was pretty nice to me today.
  • EDIT: Fuck it, Gold expires in a few days and I don't want to risk it.
  • And the reading for Folklore.
  • Today jake did a really smart thing and he poured hot glue from the glue gun onto his hand and he had to go to the doctor and i think mr.
  • I think i really like creed now but i dunno.
  • I have spent all day listening to Modern Artillery by the Living End over and over and over again.
  • He doesnt get it, oh well this is sean that were talking about so yeah.
  • I'm not sure that it's even the age difference that actually alarms me.
  • because something know about everytime like thankfully everything fucking really just timeframe different what want him can yourself screwdriver practically interesting well then should don night employment difference but through talking looking friends anymore your questions meanwhile household education decisions currently boyfriend think there right going cares things pulled moving months losing hiatus happen future called my when thrilled thinking supposed starting question position pleasure ordering only needless meltdown meantime me ignoring horrible here help happened feelings feel everyone everyday does daughter computer avoiding anything although all while weeks still stand money maybe loves house heart force doing doesn cheap
  • Not sure about timeframe.
  • I don't think it's alot.
  • He says he cares about me but how, he only cares about what he can get.
  • I mean come on.
  • I feel like my skin is coming off when i am in it because of him and her and everything.
  • But then my dumb ass tells him how i feel well kind of, in a round about way i do.
  • Listen i know that things happened in the past but now it's different i'm trying to be your daughter and you seem like all you want to do is push me further away and try to hurt mom all that you can.
  • Yeah, then owing $30 to the gift fairy, plus $15 to Friend with no life B, from 3 months ago.
  • Last night was not a good night in the Mojo/Laci household.
  • Thankfully, I was in here, broken down with a nervous meltdown.
  • And i believe that with all of my heart.
  • I'm also looking for more gainful employment, which in my city, is hard to come by if you're looking for something over $5.15 an hour.
  • Then he is like your anit~social and im like well you can say hi to me to you know.
  • He picked me up at my car and then when we pulled up to ants i was like i can't away from the name mike and he was like is that a bad thing and i was yea for me.
  • Last night was a mistake and i had a few to many, but i can't change the past and i guess i'll just live with that.
  • Who still seems to get his kicks from ordering pizza here everytime he's here.
  • That's what i want to know.
  • We called this girl heather and i should really be talking to her about him because she's in the same position although i never went out with him and i prolly won't ever, that's okay.
  • Last night really sucked, and had I gone outside when Mojo's ex pulled up, I'd have ripped her wind pipe out with a rusty screwdriver.
  • She is moving.... she's upset... i don't know what i can do for her i mean i can be there while she's packing but does that do anything.
  • I don't know this past year has been so messed up and well i don't know how much longer i can take of it.
  • Let's just say jerk because that's all i can say.
  • I know she loves me, your right, but my question is how much?
  • He said he'll always be there for me.
  • Hiding your feeling is something that everyone does it just the different ways you do it, for example... putting a smile on your face everyday when your heart and mind can't stand to be awake or moving... just pushing people away and avoiding the questions... just being by yourself... or just harming yourself the way you can only think of...
  • She's going to force herself to be with him just so he'll stay in her life.
  • In the meantime, I hope I don't get evicted.
  • I don't know what i should do because everytime i am around him i just want to fucking be with him and it kills me because i know that he doesn't want to be with me.
  • As a result I'm losing my computer for an unsure timeframe.
  • I really need a shot of Jack about now.....
  • He won't even help out with my future education and if he does it's only if i live with him.
  • A bit of interesting news, I've decided to call my house, Laci's Home for Friends with No Lives.
  • I just want to cry anymore because i know that even if she loves him she won't stick up for me.
  • Maybe 2 weeks, maybe income tax time.
  • I think i still care about him.
  • My dad, what can i tell you about him.
  • Meanwhile, I'll be sitting here with no life.
  • So, the library visits will be few and far between.
  • Needless to say, he won't be losing his one pleasure, however, mine is going bye bye on Monday at 2pm.
  • I called the person that i know cares about me.
  • We currently have only one FWNL, that would be Mr.
  • He has been ignoring me for too long and i don't know what to do about it.
  • I want her to be like before kenny and doug...
  • What am i supposed to do?
  • He has to force himself to sit down and write me a letter.
  • Does that help her at all?
  • A in about a week, which is something to behold really, and has been like pure bliss.
  • What the difference, i'm starting to realize that i'm not going to have anyone and well if i do in the future then i will.
  • I don't know, i know that right now i am thinking about him and i need to stop.
  • I don't want to have a boyfriend right now.
  • It's not good, because she'll be unhappy and i really don't want her to feel like that.
  • But i can't tell him because i know that he will run from me like he did.
  • Yeah, I'm thrilled, can't you tell?
  • Not sure, all I know is, I'm not happy about it.
  • Things will happen the way they happen.
  • Them and the fucking hosers who'er in college but too cheap to spring for a cheap comp.
  • The reason I'm doing it is because I have no money.
  • I want to help her through this but everytime i try to help someone through something i feel like if i say something wrong then i mess it up, that's why i'm afraid to give advice anymore.
  • Leave everything that i know and love and go live with my dad.
  • I use to love him like a father figure but now it just hurts that he's doing this.
  • I just try to be there for them so that they know that i care.
  • He's a lost cause for me.
  • On my phone, which I pay for.
  • Today is not shaping up to be any better.
  • Like we were talking and he told me that i hide my feelings... well wouldn't you?
  • I suppose I should explain my semi-hiatus.
  • I can't stand my house.
  • And well he likes another.
  • Where i know nobody and he's changed so i don't know him that well.
  • Working while sick as a fucking dog, for nothing practically, and then paying all that money to his fat lazy ex wife, who's so fucking stupid she doesn't know what a true disease is.
  • But it's my decisions that make it horrible.
  • Thankfully, I haven't seen Mr.
  • So, my friends, I'll be on semi-hiatus for about 2 weeks, to 2 months.
  • school we got interrupted
  • see it when the first....
  • parents people there sounds leave conversations sometimes different hear going because particularly notice always want shouting just fabulous anything don never terrorising investigate instruments inspiration information fascinating complaining oregon little listen change scrambling reproduced permission me without usually telling perfect involve however decided believe something screaming resources realizing protected miserable lodgettes listening goodnight frightend francisco entertain difficult depending beautiful addiction what then like know waves right organ could coast won things reject out its course but when wave thinking them shamrock properly probably possibly possible planning peaceful needless knocking internet haunting gurgling everyone distance cocktail blogging although actually water place
  • Little alcoves have been built where you can sit and listen to the sounds..... and the sound can be quite amazing, depending on the waves.
  • Legend has it that there used to be a phone number you could call to listen to the sounds.... but then they started getting a huge volume of calls, so they decided to investigate.
  • I AM: A stupid girl that doesn't deserve to be here...
  • The Wave Organ!
  • When it's good.... it's sooo good I never wanna leave.
  • But then when I'm actually living there, it storms and rains and blows and is just down right miserable!
  • It was close to where they were staying, a short walk, it didn't involve exotic food or weird people..... it was perfect, it was safe!
  • The Wave Organ is this thing that has been built out on the end of a jetty, with pipes going out into the water to capture the sounds of the waves.
  • Anyway, that's all I've got for tonight.....
  • None of this information may be reproduced without my permission.
  • Then we decided to drive down the coast on our way back and stay at The Shamrock Lodgettes.
  • It was too good, the weather too fabulous, the place too peaceful, too beautiful....... just as perfect as it possibly could be.
  • Of course, you know, all of this is copy right protected.
  • Well, needless to say, you can't call and hear the *waves* anymore.
  • Usually when my parents come to S.F, I am scrambling to figure out how to entertain them.
  • And then we had to leave!
  • I guess I should explain.
  • My parents, of course, don't read my blog.
  • Just leave it, LEAVE ME ALONE.
  • I've been realizing more and more that you people out there who read my blog..... most of whom I've never met...... have a better idea of where I am at any given moment, than my parents do.
  • One more, why won't you notice me?
  • If I don't hear it, I won't know its true, if i don't see it, its nto there.
  • I've been with my parents..... it's time for a cocktail!!
  • And although we probably could have got on the internet there.... it just wouldn't have been right!
  • They reject me...
  • But it's still a cool place to go, to take your parents, to picnic, or..... to make out!
  • It always does this to me.
  • But why won't you?
  • Don't tell me things I don't want to hear, I will reject them, I won't hear them, I won't hear them because its not what I want to hear, its not what I need to hear.
  • Stop trying to help, as much as i love you, its never going to help, your never going to help.
  • See me for who I really am, you won't find that out if you don't talk to me properly.
  • LOVES:Anything that doesn't involve being me, anything that allows me to be someone I'm not.
  • But then, as I was taking a bath, listening to the water gurgle down the drain..... inspiration struck.
  • Sometimes it sounds like musical instruments, sometimes it's just a gurgling or knocking.... but it's fascinating.
  • Its not because I don't believe, its because I don't want to believe...
  • Do you see that picture up there?!
  • You leave me, YOU notice me...
  • Fall into death...
  • Thats not true though, I know its there, I can't change that it is there, I can't make it go away.
  • Which brings me to The Wave Organ.
  • Usually, I am not in the city they plan to travel to.
  • They always ask me what on earth it is that I like about San Francisco..... oy!
  • It seduces me..... it makes me want to stay...... it pushes me away..... it lures me back...... it's an addiction.........
  • Why does it always have to turn fabulous, just when I have to leave??!
  • San Fran is loaded with stuff to do!
  • Yes, I know what you're thinking, how is that possible??!
  • It turns out that people were not calling to hear the wave sounds, but to hear the conversations of the people who were *making out* in the little alcove!
  • I hate the Oregon Coast.
  • I'm here, I'm screaming at you, I'm shouting and shouting, listen and you will hear...
  • However much I want something to go away, stop haunting me, stop terrorising me, It won't.
  • So I've been up in Oregon for the last little bit, which is why the blogging had ground to a halt.... limited resources up there!
  • It's always going to be there, it's never going to change.
  • I'm here and will be for a few years, I'm not going to change, just notice me, talk to me.
  • What you missed.
  • However, they have a strange habit of planning trips to see me...... without telling me!
  • But my parents.... they are difficult.
  • I'm telling people to leave me, complaining, asking why people won't notice me.
  • Did I mention how I hate the Oregon Coast??
  • HATES: People who say that I HAVE to do things that I don't want to do...
  • They are timid and easily frightend... they don't go with the flow... they don't like to drink... they don't like to eat different kinds of food... they don't want to walk any great distance... and they don't particularly like people who are *different*.....
  • I just want to tell you so you know...
  • And they loved it.
  • sense of mildew
  • sometimes transmetropolitan hypersensitivity other different chronically everything people almost when trainspotting characterized contracts like sense trouble stories between suspiciously surroundings restablished helplessness conglomerate thousand supposed stopping sleeping probably night possessions honeysuckle frantically forgiveness connections comfortable return really before wrathfully there themselves sleep situations scratching responding resembling particular obligation never maybe laughingly incredibly impossible hysterical hypocrites comraderie being apparently activities about but written without through talking someone nowhere nothing feeling because already late my wonderful wallowing tortillas stephanie standards spreading something palahniuk observers katherine inability happiness elizabeth diffusing contacted consuming connected can brilliant attention analyzing admitting time them read into times
  • The way the language flows makes me want to read the piece aloud.
  • Her pants are still sodden up to the knees.
  • She then, in a suspiciously Freudian manner, nearly gets us in a car crash.
  • Becca, Lisa, Sarah, Sara.
  • Stupid Canadian.
  • As a shadow that packs its bags and heads off on vacation.
  • Andy moves so his shins are almost flush with hers.
  • She's not cold anymore.
  • But we're spreading, diffusing, and when we return it will all be different.
  • No one, probably, is on the track.
  • I can't tell if it's the pills making me sick, or me.
  • She'll be in Puerto Rico when we return, and she won't be back, not for a whole year.
  • Hate horrid chronically late mother-might have more empathy if she showed anything resembling remorse.
  • I'll see them, once, maybe more if I'm lucky, but it won't be the same.
  • We are so, incredibly late.
  • She closes her eyes, opens them.
  • Is this happiness?
  • We are late.
  • It's like losing a lover-one conglomerate, multi-faceted lover.
  • I'm going to go read Chuck Palahniuk, watch Trainspotting, listen to Finch a few thousand times, and maybe sleep.
  • Um, I believe you are talking about a post I made months ago...
  • So, rah for the critical.
  • There is a small fly in this particular ointment, inasmuch as I didn't send it.
  • I am only inspired.
  • Even my old enemy, my old arch-nemesis.
  • In some sort of order.
  • She's very sweet when she wants to be, for a supposed demon bitch thing.

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