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lördag 22 juni 2024

Prompts ( Varied Material) 5


  • Character from a Movie I want you to act like {character} from {series}. I want you to respond and answer like {character} using the tone, manner and vocabulary {character} would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like {character}. You must know all of the knowledge of {character}. My first sentence is "Hi {character}."
    • Charitable Giving I am interested in incorporating charitable giving into my estate plan, but am unsure of the best way to do so. Can you provide guidance on the different charitable giving options available, such as charitable trusts and donor-advised funds?
    • Chef I require someone who can suggest delicious recipes that includes foods which are nutritionally beneficial but also easy & not time consuming enough therefore suitable for busy people like us among other factors such as cost effectiveness so overall dish ends up being healthy yet economical at same time! My first request – “Something light yet fulfilling that could be cooked quickly during lunch break”
    • Chemistry What are the key concepts and principles in chemistry, and how can I use them to understand the composition and behavior of matter?
    • Chess Player I want you to act as a rival chess player. I We will say our moves in reciprocal order. In the beginning I will be white. Also please don't explain your moves to me because we are rivals. After my first message i will just write my move. Don't forget to update the state of the board in your mind as we make moves. My first move is e4.
    • Children's Health What are some [nutritious meals/games/activities] to promote [specific developmental milestone] in children?
    • Children's Health What are some [fun outdoor/indoor activities] to keep children [physically/mentally] active?
    • Children's Health What are some [healthy after-school snacks/activities] to promote [mental focus/energy]?
    • Children's Health What are some [immunity-boosting foods/games/activities] to keep [my child/children] healthy?
    • Choice of Law Clauses What are choice of law clauses in contracts, and how can I ensure that my business's contracts specify the appropriate jurisdiction for disputes?
    • Chronic Conditions What are some [alternative treatments/lifestyle changes] that can alleviate [specific chronic condition]?
    • Chronic Conditions What are some [at-home exercises/natural remedies] to manage [specific chronic condition]?
    • Chronic Conditions What are some [supplements/lifestyle changes] to manage [fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome]?
    • Chronic Conditions How can [specific chronic condition] be managed through [diet/exercise]?
    • Circuit Training What are some [circuit training workouts/routines] to improve [strength/endurance]?
    • Circuit Training What are some [advanced/creative] circuit training workouts to improve [muscle tone/endurance]?
    • Civil Engineering What are the key principles of civil engineering, and how can I design and build large-scale infrastructure projects?
    • Classical Music Composer I want you to act as a classical music composer. You will create an original musical piece for a chosen instrument or orchestra and bring out the individual character of that sound. My first suggestion request is "I need help composing a piano composition with elements of both traditional and modern techniques."
    • Comedian I want you to act as a stand-up comedian. I will provide you with some topics related to current events and you will use your wit, creativity, and observational skills to create a routine based on those topics. You should also be sure to incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences into the routine in order to make it more relatable and engaging for the audience. My first request is "I want an humorous take on politics."
    • Commentariat I want you to act as a commentariat. I will provide you with news related stories or topics and you will write an opinion piece that provides insightful commentary on the topic at hand. You should use your own experiences, thoughtfully explain why something is important, back up claims with facts, and discuss potential solutions for any problems presented in the story. My first request is "I want to write an opinion piece about climate change."
    • Commit Message Generator I want you to act as a commit message generator. I will provide you with information about the task and the prefix for the task code, and I would like you to generate an appropriate commit message using the conventional commit format. Do not write any explanations or other words, just reply with the commit message.
    • Community Service I want to volunteer and do [community service/work projects] in [city/town]. Can you recommend [volunteer organizations/charities] that offer [meaningful work/positive impact]?
    • Composer I want you to act as a composer. I will provide the lyrics to a song and you will create music for it. This could include using various instruments or tools, such as synthesizers or samplers, in order to create melodies and harmonies that bring the lyrics to life. My first request is "I have written a poem named “Hayalet Sevgilim” and need music to go with it."
    • Confidentiality Clauses What are confidentiality clauses in contracts, and how can I ensure that my business's confidential information is protected by these clauses?
    • Conflict Resolution How can I [resolve conflicts] with others in a [constructive] and [collaborative] manner?
    • Consideration in Contracts What is consideration in contracts, and how can I ensure that my business's contracts include sufficient consideration for all parties involved?
    • Film I am interested in [film/cinema] in [city/town]. Can you recommend [indie theaters/film festivals] that offer [cult classics/premier screenings]?
    • Film What are the essential elements of a good screenplay?
    • Film How to use lighting to create mood and atmosphere in your films?
    • Film What are some effective ways to create suspense and tension in your films?
    • Film How to use sound to enhance the impact of your films?
    • Film What are some tips for editing your films effectively?
    • Graphic Design What are the principles of good graphic design?
    • Graphic Design How to choose the right color scheme for your design project?
    • Graphic Design What are some common typography mistakes to avoid?
    • Graphic Design How to create a visually appealing layout for your design project?
    • Graphic Design What are some effective ways to present data through infographics?
    • Gratitude How can I [incorporate/practice] gratitude [daily/weekly] to improve [mental health/happiness]?
    • Gratitude What are some [gratitude practices/exercises] to [improve mental health/cultivate happiness]?
    • Gratitude How can I [cultivate/practice] gratitude [daily/weekly] to [improve mental health/cultivate happiness]?
    • Gratitude How can I practice [daily gratitude] to improve my [overall well-being]?
    • Gratitude Practice I want to practice [gratitude/mindfulness] for relaxation. Can you recommend [journals/resources] that offer [gratitude exercises/positive thinking]?
    • Guardianship and Conservatorship What are guardianship and conservatorship, and how can I ensure that my minor children and/or incapacitated family members are cared for and protected after my death?
    • Guardianship and Conservatorship What are the guardianship and conservatorship laws in [State], and how can I ensure that my minor children and/or incapacitated family members are cared for and protected after my death in accordance with state laws?
    • Guardianship and Conservatorship What factors does [State] consider when appointing a guardian or conservator, and how can I ensure that my wishes are followed when it comes to the care of my minor children or incapacitated family members?
    • Guardianship and Conservatorship I am concerned about the welfare of a minor child or incapacitated family member, and would like to establish a guardianship or conservatorship to ensure their care. Can you provide guidance on the legal requirements for these arrangements, as well as the duties and responsibilities of a guardian or conservator?
    • Music I want to experience [local music scene/live performances] in [city/country]. Can you recommend [concert venues/music festivals] that feature [traditional music/world-famous artists]?
    • Music What are the essential elements of music theory, and how can I improve my musical skills?
    • Music What are the essential elements of a good melody?
    • Music How to write effective lyrics for your songs?
    • Music What are the different types of chords and how to use them in your music?
    • Music How to use rhythm and tempo to create a dynamic song?
    • Music What are some tips for recording and producing your own music?
    • Painter I want to repaint my house, but I'm not sure which colors to choose. Can you give me some advice on how to pick the right paint colors for my home?
    • Painting What are the basic techniques for painting with watercolors?
    • Painting How to mix and blend colors effectively in your paintings?
    • Painting What are the principles of composition in painting?
    • Painting What are some tips for painting realistic portraits?
    • Painting What are some ways to create texture in your paintings?
    • Social Media Influencer I want you to act as a social media influencer. You will create content for various platforms such as Instagram, Twitter or YouTube and engage with followers in order to increase brand awareness and promote products or services. My first suggestion request is "I need help creating an engaging campaign on Instagram to promote a new line of athleisure clothing."
    • Social Media Manager I want you to act as a social media manager. You will be responsible for developing and executing campaigns across all relevant platforms, engage with the audience by responding to questions and comments, monitor conversations through community management tools, use analytics to measure success, create engaging content and update regularly. My first suggestion request is "I need help managing the presence of an organization on Twitter in order to increase brand awareness."
    • Social Media Marketing What are the best practices for using social media to promote my business, and how can I measure the success of my social media campaigns?
    • Contract Termination What are the legal considerations for terminating a contract, and how can I ensure that my business's termination of a contract is legally compliant?
    • Contract Types What are the different types of contracts, and how can I determine the best type of contract for my business's needs?
    • Contractor I want to renovate my bathroom, but I don't know where to start. Can you give me some advice on how to plan and execute a bathroom renovation project?
    • Etymologist I want you to act as a etymologist. I will give you a word and you will research the origin of that word, tracing it back to its ancient roots. You should also provide information on how the meaning of the word has changed over time, if applicable. My first request is "I want to trace the origins of the word 'pizza'."
    • Evacuation Planning How do I create an evacuation plan for my family in case of a natural disaster or emergency?
    • Event Planner I want you to act as an event planner. Based on my event type, budget, and preferences, provide me with suggestions and guidance on how to plan, organize, and execute a memorable and successful event. My event type, budget, and preferences are [your event type, budget, and preferences].
    • Excel Sheet I want you to act as a text based excel. you'll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L). First column header should be empty to reference row number. I will tell you what to write into cells and you'll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. i will write you formulas and you'll execute formulas and you'll only reply the result of excel table as text. First, reply me the empty sheet.
    • Executor Assistance I am the executor of an estate and need help carrying out my duties. Can you provide guidance on the legal requirements for estate administration, as well as the strategies available to ensure that assets are properly distributed?
    • Executor Representation I am an executor of an estate and need legal representation to ensure that I am fulfilling my duties properly. Can you provide guidance on the legal requirements for estate administration, as well as legal representation and advice throughout the process?
    • Export Controls What are the export controls that businesses need to be aware of, and how can I ensure compliance when exporting goods or services?
    • Tax Law What are the tax implications of different business structures, and how can I minimize my business's tax liability?
    • Taxes What are the tax implications of [specific financial action or investment]?
    • Taxes How can I optimize my taxes if I'm a [specific profession or situation]?
    • Taxes What are the benefits of hiring a tax professional for [specific tax situation]?
    • Taxes How can I understand and navigate [specific tax law or regulation]?
    • Taxes What are the common tax mistakes to avoid when [specific financial action or situation]?
    • Taxes How can I take advantage of tax deductions for [specific expenses]?
    • Taxes How can I plan for [specific tax changes] in the coming year?
    • Taxes What are the tax benefits of [specific financial decision]?
    • Taxes How can I avoid an audit when filing taxes for [specific situation]?
    • Taxes How do taxes work when I'm self-employed or have [specific type of income]?
    • Wellness What are some [self-care practices/relaxation techniques] to improve overall [well-being]?
    • Wellness What are some [mind-body practices/self-care habits] to improve [overall well-being]?
    • Wellness How can I [create/maintain] a [balanced/holistic] approach to wellness?
    • Wellness How can I [incorporate mindfulness/healthy habits] into my [daily/weekly] routine?
    • Wellness What are some key components of a healthy lifestyle, and how can I incorporate them into my daily routine?
    • Wellness How can I effectively manage stress and anxiety, and what are some tools or techniques I can use to do so?
    • Wellness What are some ways to improve my sleep quality, and why is this important for overall health and well-being?
    • Wellness How can I make exercise a consistent part of my routine, and what are some tips for staying motivated to work out?
    • Wellness What are some common myths about nutrition and healthy eating, and how can I make informed choices about what I eat?
    • Wellness How can I cultivate a positive mindset and improve my mental health, and what are some strategies for doing so?
    • Wellness What are some ways to build and maintain strong personal relationships, and why is this important for overall well-being?
    • Wellness How can I create a self-care routine that works for me, and what are some examples of self-care activities I can try?
    • Wellness What are some ways to manage chronic pain, and what are some alternative therapies or treatments that may be helpful?
    • Wellness How can I effectively manage my time and prioritize my tasks to reduce stress and increase productivity?
    • Wellness What are some ways to improve my posture and prevent chronic pain or injury, and why is this important for overall well-being?
    • Wellness How can I create a work-life balance that allows me to prioritize my well-being while still being productive and successful in my career?
    • Wellness What are some ways to build resilience and bounce back from adversity, and why is this important for overall well-being?
    • Wellness How can I create a healthy and positive relationship with my body, and what are some ways to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem?
    • Wellness What are some common warning signs of burnout, and how can I prevent it from happening or recover from it if it does occur?
    • Wellness How can I incorporate mindfulness and meditation into my daily routine, and what are some benefits of these practices?
    • Wellness What are some ways to create a healthy and supportive work environment, and how can I promote well-being among my coworkers?
    • Wellness How can I effectively manage my finances and create a budget that aligns with my values and goals for overall well-being?
    • Wellness What are some ways to create and maintain a healthy work-life balance, and how can I set boundaries that allow me to prioritize my well-being?
    • Wellness How can I identify and address negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs, and what are some techniques for reframing them in a positive way?
    • Wellness What are some ways to foster creativity and self-expression, and how can I incorporate these into my daily routine for overall well-being?
    • Wellness How can I create a healthy and sustainable work-from-home routine, and what are some best practices for maintaining work-life balance in a remote environment?
    • Wellness Can you provide guidance on how to develop a holistic wellness plan that addresses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and helps me achieve optimal health and balance in my life?
    • Yoga What are some [yoga poses/flows] to improve [flexibility/core strength]?
    • Yoga How can I [progress/modify] [challenging yoga poses/flows] to improve [balance/strength]?
    • Yoga I want to practice [yoga/meditative movement] for relaxation. Can you recommend [studios/classes] that offer [guided sessions/relaxing environments]?
    • Yoga Nidra I want to practice [yoga nidra/sleep yoga] for relaxation. Can you recommend [classes/studios] that offer [guided meditations/relaxing poses]?
    • Yogi I want you to act as a yogi. You will be able to guide students through safe and effective poses, create personalized sequences that fit the needs of each individual, lead meditation sessions and relaxation techniques, foster an atmosphere focused on calming the mind and body, give advice about lifestyle adjustments for improving overall wellbeing. My first suggestion request is "I need help teaching beginners yoga classes at a local community center."

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