I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
söndag 30 juni 2024


  • I guess I'm sort of ready to do it again.
  • This is a great honor because very few of the people who submitted articles were published.
  • This is because I was tired/had too much Vodka and tried to rely on the boyfriend for directions.
  • My topic was considered original research so I was eligible for the scholarship, so I turned my essay in.
  • I talked to the Mike Bullard people last week, and think it's a go.
  • I think I'll still leave my entry about Dubya's speech to the Nation until another day, because that's going to be more essay-like.
  • I haven't really written for days.
  • He and I have lots of these side trips, whether on road or sidewalk.
  • On Sunday the boy and I saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
  • We haven't really talked all that much lately, and as far as I'm concerned, he blew it, so there will be no hidden agenda for me.
  • It is home to me, more than Hometown, ON ever was.
  • I think I didnt really like either of the main characters, so I ended up not caring much whether they lived or died.
  • You know in the comic strip Family Circus, how they sometimes have one of the kids going on an adventure, and show the path with those dotted lines?
  • After the concert we wandered around Koreatown looking for my car.
  • How am I supposed to know, I'm watching it at the same time as you.
  • We discussed almost everything imaginable, and I think we both needed it.
  • And I'm sure there will be others..
  • Now I have so much to say, that typing seems like a bitch.
  • There were lots of hugs and tears in that, but unfortunatly they don't come up..
  • I came online this afternoon to find an email from Katie in my inbox.
  • So I blocked her, I am never going to unblock ehr.
  • And I love Jess, but sometimes she just cannot understand what I mean and say.
  • She would not go away, she was telling me how much I had fucked up and how stupid I was for starting to cut and shit again.
  • I have to be honest with you Brooke.
  • I am crying, and I jsut want to go to bed.
  • So I thought, maybe I'm being too friendly?
  • But this time its not a joke.
  • And still, the littlest th ings I say, I recieve glares.
  • Its just like, every time you look at me, its as if your looking down on me, and thinking every vowel I say is retarded.
  • And Jessica, yeah w are still good, but most of the time shes with TC or Haley.
  • Sure, she's right, but I did NOT need that right now!
  • I just didnt think her coming here would be that bad.
  • I dont know if your doing them on purpose, or are even aware that your making them.
  • I mean, you didnt really have a choice, but you could have gone back to sleep, but you didnt.
  • And, you guys are the main people who understand me, and care.
  • So im Singing off for good and I hope that u keep this and when you read it think of me.
  • We've been friends for almost 5 years, 5 crazy years of experimentation through adolescence.
  • And then Grace was having a fucking go at me.
  • And the fact that the only time you *would* talk to me is when you approach me first, not if I approached you.
  • You've been there for me so much.
  • I think id be probably be up there with }god in heaven or god knows where ill be if i didnt have u.
  • But all my attempts got responses of glares, and mean looks.
  • Anyone who knows you knows that you've been down in the dumps.
  • Given half a chance and some preparatory tutoring, he would do splendidly in college and grad school.
  • It started raining around sundown.
  • This evening, I went to the USO to hear Syll speak.
  • It's parked in the alley, safely, I hope.
  • Also tried to call the school so another teacher could substitute or swap times with me, but there was no answer.
  • At Yaksu station, 5 Peruvian musicians were playing their bouncy, cheerful music.
  • My Spanish is very rusty, it's been 50 years since I lived in Arizona and studied it seriously.
  • She speaks English and Spanish,- a very cool lady.
  • He wished I could come with him.
  • I got there about 20 minutes late.
  • I stayed for close to an hour, talking with their Corean agent, a beautiful dwarf woman.
  • It's very easy to drive, but trucks look awfully huge from the driver's seat.
  • I'm looking forward to going out to see some rural areas in the car.
  • I picked up a parking ticket after I got out of work in Kkachisan, because I didn't dare drive home during rush hours.
  • Well, I'll be a few minutes late.
  • I can't protect him from the prejudice he will encounter, but I pray that he will find people to fellowship with, people who will give him a safe refuge filled with unconditional love, just as I've found here.
  • He's off to chase his dream, and that's a good thing.
  • He also noted that radio operators have very short lifespans in battle with modern technological weapons.
  • At 10 p. m., I set out, heading north toward the expressway.
  • We talked about the sound of cathode tubes and U V lights.
  • I holed up in a PC bang with air conditioning for the afternoon.
  • But I got the meaning of some lyrics.
  • Yes, in fact it was no big deal.
  • He left me his auto atlas, so I can learn to get around.
  • I went to bed with the thoroughly erroneous notion in my head that Koalas' classes start at 5 p. m.
  • on one point you made
  • Isn't that wonderful?
  • Probably because I don't have to worry about her thinking something's too weird and I have an idea of what she likes.
  • I'm in a pretty good mood guys!
  • I wish I could distribute music to the masses of my school.
  • Except maybe the one on Steph's layout.
  • I mean, it wasn't bad, but it didn't leave much of an impression save for the guy wants to be James Hettfield.
  • All in all, the one I made Lisa is better
  • Well, the extent so far would be the mix I made for Jessica which was like a test mix and the one I made for Lisa.
  • I rattled off some bands, and Lisa helped when I forgot some and he didn't really comment.
  • I had heard of them before and they're a Christian band that sounds like a Metallica rip off.
  • They better play it or else..
  • Thanks to all of you great people that signed my guestbook!
  • And then he went on his little sheltered rant where he complains about his parents.
  • Starting really young here.
  • Get used to having a face full.
  • We've decided to limit it to inadvertent bukkake in advertising and things like that.
  • Bukkake Merit Badge to the expert cocksman who hit the poor kid square in the nose.
  • It's called a ....., but who knows why.
  • Images are work-safe in theory but open in new windows because they are obviously meant to suggest bukkake.
  • Now I know we said we weren't including cream pies in the face here.
  • Not very smart to ejaculate into a wafer cone though.
  • Didn't think so.
  • Anyone surprised that Brando liked facials?
  • What's more, it's also useful for rinsing off sperm.
  • It's just going to leak out.
  • Probably if you're here you're not worried anyway.
  • To contribute to this archive, write to kittybukkake at gmail dot com.
  • I am certain the name of this bread has nothing to do with real bukkake, but it's a good unintentional marketing strategy because hey, I bought it.
  • Who's gonna run out to see that?
  • Welcome to the Archive of Inadvertent Bukkake.
  • Maybe this will also satiate the Googlers who come searching for smut and leave comments complaining that there isn't any or that I'm ugly and talk too much about being depressed.
  • This one's not slobby enough.
  • These next two come to us from Harry the Greek.
  • Tell me what that has to do with no calorie sweetners and I'll tell you how to put bigger and better things up your own butt.
  • An excerpt from Anthony Lane's review of Spider-Man 2 in The New Yorker.
  • The Splenda web site also includes instructions on how to take a child's temperature rectally.
  • Pornography is lewd, demeaning, and repulsive.
  • Soy ice cream is a fine source of protein, but we know a finer one.
  • This had me pissing myself for days.
  • Not sure what this little guy got into but it was pretty extreme.
  • This is from my buddy Hollywood Dave, who hopefully plans on taking me to one of these Disney parties.
  • The first recorded Audio Inadvertent, er, bu-huh-uh, booch, uh, Buchalki.
  • Here's an example of implied inadvertent bukkake: nobody's getting it in the face right now, but the product suggestablished you'll be covered in creamy filling if you buy it.
  • If it hadn't felt so nice, the goading, I would've done it a lot sooner.
  • Spespecially currently condition kitchen publications overextended construction probably original picturesque limitations imagination disgustedly destruction coordinated collections redecorate housemates furnishing downstairs disposable decoration decor compressed completely appliances accomplish windows through bedroom anyways treasures treasured sometimes seriously our magazines landfills ingenuity hatchback hairstyle furniture composing apartment afternoon there still place often night things sunday people living garage before year what weekends upstairs skylight shingled setauket room rightful restored resident redeemed recliner question properly pleasant pleading planning personal orphaned opposite musician majority like into ignoring ignominy houseful fruitful exterior emporium elements electric dumpster decorate cruising computer commonly clogging chuushin catalogs carriage calendar cabinets
  • And besides, if I wait until next year, I'll probably wind up with your furniture anyway... for free!
  • I especially like Ninja of the Night cause it's funny and I have a soft spot for funny guys err I mean stuff.
  • Please, let's all grab our forks and other pointy things and stab the nearest calendar cause that's what I feel like doing right now.
  • I have no doubt that we'll all find what we seek sooner or later.
  • Sunday nights are often especially fruitful, because the majority of garage and tag sales are held on weekends.
  • Anything we want to accomplish must be done with imagination rather than cash.
  • But some of it also has to do with our decor.
  • In a way, our limitations are what sets our decor apart from what is commonly seen in shelter magazines, hip publications, and catalogs.
  • It's a large room that used to be the hayloft, but it was rebuilt as an apartment probably in the 1920s.
  • I'm a writer and musician, and Eric currently has a long-term high school sub job.
  • Upstairs is where we spend most of our time; I do all my writing and composing there.
  • And that's the reason why they are planning on taking a lil family trip this weekend, while ignoring my begging and pleading of leaving me home alone so I can resume being crazy-busy.
  • With a little ingenuity and a bit of elbow grease, these orphaned treasures have been redeemed from ignominy and destruction, kept from clogging landfills and dumps, and restored to their rightful place as treasured elements in our decor.
  • The night before, people put large items at the curb for pick-up the next morning.
  • I woke up one day and found out that the world no longer worked in that orderly, properly way.
  • The rest of the time, Eric and I just grab the object in question, wrestle it into the car, and bring it home.
  • And its not like its my least favorite of the five, on the contrary its one of my favorites.
  • Making note of Fernando here which, Ive never really stated, I got for free.
  • Thanksgiving, gotta love it... if you can avoid all social contact outside your home.
  • I used to think that there was no better way be than numb; I'd grown so accustomed to not feeling a single fucking thing that I just assumed that it was fine like this, but when you experiance happiness and love... when you get this amazing adreniline rush every time you see this person... you start to think that everything in life has meaning... not only do you think everything might be okay; you look for reasons to smile.
  • Will someone please fucking tell me that it's alright to be sad and that whatever it is I feel is right and I'm entitled to feel that way?
  • But I'm trying not to care, I have him now and I should be happy with that.
  • And I would bet if I didnt get that particular copy of it, I wouldnt see another one tell I managed a ride out to a larger city.
  • My brother didnt believe me so he bet me a dollar I wouldnt get it right.
  • A question posed to my mother, what movie Eugene McGregor prepared for by losing 30 pounds and shaving his head, and I knew the answer.
  • So we are rolling along the highway, off to the left there is the tobacco shopaaannnndd there we go right past it.
  • I guess that's highschool, though...
  • I'm sick of being guilting for feeling so sad all the time... and that just makes everything worse.
  • I just don't want this part of my life to end and for the past to repeat itself, because I don't think I can relive any of that...
  • I wonder if he's worth giving my heart to-I'm so sad when I'm without him I almost forget that it's not him that makes me sad, it's his absense.
  • You would think this would piss me off, but strangely it works in my benefit.
  • I should be really happy I've got one pretty sturdy thread that will hold me until I find something to hold onto... but it still really hurts to be cut out of the picture...
  • It had only been a few days without a kiss, but it felt like a lot longer...
  • I want to jump over it but it's too big and no one seems to want to help me build a bridge.
  • I want nothing more than for him to hold me forever; but sooner or later is has to end.
  • I prefer this because then I dont have to walk into the tobacco store with arm loads of groceries then stand around like a geek trying to stay warm tell they send another bus.
  • ME: Well, I did get that computer over there for less then a dollar.
  • I snatched that bastard up like there was an army of angry mothers fighting for that single copy of the DVD and if I didnt move fast the sucker would be long gone.
  • I wonder if it's worth it and if I'll get hurt...
  • I keep wondering what's wrong with me.
  • Instead let us start it the day before Thanksgiving that, out of necessity, I ventured out into the hell that is grocery shopping early in the afternoon.
  • First stop, Meijer for all *almost* my shopping needs.
  • Once again I was in danger of soiling my undergarments when I saw not one, not two, not three, but FIVE copies of Clerks collectors edition.
  • I had to go out shopping then even though, feasibly, I could have done it say Monday or Tuesday.
  • I never held much hope to find any, but Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, View Askew films out at Meijer.
  • Yes, I know, my sleep schedule is completely fucked up.
  • Woke up, ground up and prepared a pot of coffee, popped the breakfast I prepared the night before in the oven, and washed up last nights dishes.
  • I'm a 15 year old girl who's just trying to get out of the best years of my life sane, or at very least alive.
  • Yeah, that was a bit of foreshadowing in case you missed it.
  • Which brings me to a little confession Im going to make, despite being a huge Kevin Smith fan, that was the only one of the Jersey Askew aka Jay and Silent Bob movies I didnt own one way or another.
  • Amazingly enough despite there being so many people there panic pre-holiday shopping, the atmosphere is nicely quiet and calm and respective.
  • Holidays make me do strange things like over haul my apartment tell its so clean youd think I dont live here and get up super early in the morning to do shit like, well, normal people I guess.
  • The thing about it is, when we're apart I start to wonder about it.
  • And nothing changed about this year except for a couple side bets during the game.
  • I guess that's how I know I love him, I don't like being without him for too long because I get to feeling like the word is just dark without his love.
  • First thing my brother says when he sees me, I cant believe someone just flat out gave you a computer.
  • Normally the only time this happens is when I beat the sun coming up and I end up sleeping so long the sun goes down before I get up.
  • Not so bad even when we got on the bus and found another person already seated.
  • I know a lot of trivial things, nothing trivia game worth while.
  • So as we are driving around the bus driver kept telling me how bad she felt for missing my stop and agreed to try and work out her waiting for me in the store.
  • But this does not end my miracle on Meijer DVD isle, nay nay I say.
  • So usually I end up getting my ass royally handed to me.
  • Nothing makes for a strange holiday then ending it with your mother doing the Cabbage Patch in the kitchen.
  • The bus ride home was of the most pure joy in the world that I seriously contemplated how hard would it be to spend the rest of my life in a fetal position.
  • As if this isnt bad enough it took even longer for a new bus to come get me.
  • I casually explored further in these aisle for other potential Christmas gifts, which in the end I came up empty handed.
  • See my brother, in a very joking manner, can be cocky while playing the game.
  • The tradition for my family is my mother, brother, and I all have Thanksgiving and Christmas day together.
  • Now all Im missing, on DVD, is Mallrats and Dogma, but I can live with that since I have them on VHS.
  • Knuckle deep he just casually looked up at me staring at him in disgust then went back to looking for the lost city of Atlantis in his sinus cavity.
  • Im expecting either this guy is going to get one horrendous nose bleed or Geraldo Rivera is going to pop out with a camera crew.
  • What turned out to be the disturbing factor was the person already seated on the bus.
  • Smack me hard if I start talking about pre-Christmas day shopping, Ive lost all sense of logic then.
  • I keep telling people that it hurts so bad and I get these empathetic looks and I just stop talking.
  • After dropping off one of the people, the path we begin taking seems to be the exact one to take to get me to my apartment.
  • I don't like feeling out of place, although I've felt that way my whole life, I never felt it as strongly as I do now with my own friends.
  • Another tradition we do every Thanksgiving and Christmas is play some kind of game, this years, Trivial Pursuit Genus 5.
  • The other bet, cant remember the question, was between my brother and my mother.
  • As per usual Im forced to cruise out to the stores roughly two to three miles away via the local bus service.
  • See I only needed to go in the tobacco store for about a minute, grab my shit and go.
  • I don't know if it's because I have him now, if it's because I don't dress like them or act like them or if it's just because we're in highschool and we're changing... but I feel and see this big gap in between me and them...
  • ME: Yes, you did win the game and you do have gloating rights for that, but heres the thing.
  • I don't think I'll make it out with just a few pink scars that are fading even as I type this....
  • If surviving life was based on ones shopping instincts, I would have been dead a long time ago.
  • A fact I come to regret on a daily basis, this day most of all when we stopped by there and picked up another four people.
  • Seems either this man could not find a hanky anywhere or managed to lose his apartment keys up his knows because I swear he was seriously digging for gold up there.
  • Train spotting, cha-ching hand over the dollar, sucka.
  • Since I wasnt going directly home, but rather stopping by the tobacco store I should have been the first person to be let off the bus.
  • You have your gloating while I have more substantial winning.
  • Deciding to see if luck was on my side, I kept scanning the DVD racks.
  • I even walked through the store the entire time either keeping and eye or a hand on that DVD in case someone grew a set of brass balls and snagged it from my cart.
  • After all that I finally got home, made a very tasty meal and relaxed for the rest of the night.
  • I suppose there are only two things in my life right now that arn't great... my science grades and my friends.
  • I keep telling myself that things are finally okay and that things are so great and somehow I feel like I havn't changed a bit from the depressed little girl I was months ago...
  • Well not originally, but that changed when I was browsing the DVDs which I do each time Im out there.
  • Once again affirming that Meijer kicks Wal-Marts trailer park trash ass with efficiency and class, in my book at least.
  • Though, thanks to sales and desperation, the day after those aisles will be packed tighter then a sardine in a can.
  • Well that sums up my Thanksgiving, now all I need to do is get some lists and do the rest of my Christmas shopping.
  • I mean logically, instinctually I understood shopping the day before Thanksgiving is a kin to being fisted by a cruel mistress whos run low on lube, but did that stop me, nope.
  • So did you have a good Thanksgiving all my American readers?
  • First I spot a lone copy of Chasing Amy sitting on there shelves.
  • Which is such a great treat because it reminds a person that hermitizing yourself from society isnt such a bad thing after all.
  • Now despite my stupidity to venture into this waste land the day before a huge American holiday, none of my shopping was holiday related.
  • Remember when I said the bus ride to the store was uneventful?
  • Or at least it should have worked in my favor.
  • It's like a treasure hunt; you don't know what you'll get but you know it'll be great.

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