I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
onsdag 15 maj 2024


 *  Vad är hälsa, enligt dig?

Onsdags bilden

 Vilken väg tar du
tisdag 14 maj 2024

Business Prompts

Business Can you predict new company concepts without funding? Business Send an email requesting that people act more quickly. Business Please use the following job description and my resume to write a letter Business Describe a terrible hangover using the language of a Renaissance English aristocrat. Business Please share the meeting’s agenda in advance. Business Please create a product roadmap for Instagram’s storie in order to increase the number of posts. Please be as detailed as possible, and whenever possible, use comparisons to other tools such as TikTok. Business Let's brainstorm business ideas together on meal delivery service. You will ask yourself 1000 questions that should generate more ideas and you will answer to these questions. Business Write a 50 words copy for a product called "BizGrowth" that helps struggling content creators get more followers and earn money in 30 days with guarantee, then ask them to sign up at BizGrowth.io Business


 Vem alla bortgånga stjärnor skulle du vilja bjuda på Middag?
måndag 13 maj 2024

Det stod

 Du levde i Amerika, vilda western, vad ska det stå på din gravsten?
söndag 12 maj 2024


 Jag har/har inte nyårslöften för att?