I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
fredag 7 juni 2024

Lära mig

 En ny färdighet som jag vill lära mig är?
torsdag 6 juni 2024


 En dålig vana som jag vill att bryta?
onsdag 5 juni 2024

Communication and Skills Promts

  Communication What are the most common communication barriers, and how can I overcome them to become a more effective communicator? Communication What are some [communication strategies] I can use to better [listen/express myself]? Communication Skills Can you provide coaching on how to communicate more effectively in various settings, including work, personal relationships, and public speaking, and help me overcome any barriers to effective communication? Communication Skills How can I [improve my active listening skills] to better understand others during [conversations/meetings]? Communication Skills What are some [non-verbal communication cues] I should be aware of and how can I use them to improve my [interpersonal communication]? Communication Skills How can I [communicate assertively] without coming across as [aggressive or confrontational]? Communication Skills What are some [techniques for giving effective feedback] that can help me [deliver feedback constr...
onsdag 5 juni 2024


 Det finns bara skum i? (vad för något)
onsdag 5 juni 2024

Writings Prompts

1. Maybe my unconscious mind is too mercenary for that. 2. I mean, you're not even trying not to look like a pedophile, dude. 3. Feel free to hit that little X up there. 4. They would be forced to do gymnastics naked in a swelteringly hot room while the coach yelled at them, or they would be kidnapped and tied up with their own clothing. 5. Like most improvised stuff, I am sure it would be even better live, so I'll have to keep my eyes open for any trance-riff Australian jazz musicians showing up in Chicago. 6. Sorry for this stupid update of my boring, useless, pointless life. 7. News stories about crazed wildlife are some of my favorites, in case you haven't noticed this already, and prove my point about how nature should stay where it belongs, in designated areas. 8. The final time I flipped and yelled that when I got back to college I would sell the ring and buy drugs with the money. 9. We r good friends he is the most sweetest boy ever. 10. I know that I was well withi...
onsdag 5 juni 2024

Onsdags bilden

  Vem är han, vad tittar han på?
tisdag 4 juni 2024

Writing Prompts

1. Maybe my unconscious mind is too mercenary for that. 2. I mean, you're not even trying not to look like a pedophile, dude. 3. Feel free to hit that little X up there. 4. They would be forced to do gymnastics naked in a swelteringly hot room while the coach yelled at them, or they would be kidnapped and tied up with their own clothing. 5. Like most improvised stuff, I am sure it would be even better live, so I'll have to keep my eyes open for any trance-riff Australian jazz musicians showing up in Chicago. 6. Sorry for this stupid update of my boring, useless, pointless life. 7. News stories about crazed wildlife are some of my favorites, in case you haven't noticed this already, and prove my point about how nature should stay where it belongs, in designated areas. 8. The final time I flipped and yelled that when I got back to college I would sell the ring and buy drugs with the money. 9. We r good friends he is the most sweetest boy ever. 10. I know that I was well withi...