I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
måndag 10 juni 2024

God handling

 En god handling jag vill göra är?
söndag 9 juni 2024

Trista Söndag

Skriv en bloggpost innehållande följande ord:  Kanske Höjja  Rösten


 Hur får man dig på bra humör?
lördag 8 juni 2024

Prompts - story starters

1. She's a 14 pound dog... 2. Take care folks and maybe I'll see some of you at the Caer Mear event this weekend. 3. I'm here and I'm STILL alive! 4. Once I got there, the realization of life in an apartment sucked and I couldn't wait to rent a house. 5. We were so SADLY mistaken. 6. Anyhow, the idea is intriguing, isn't it? 7. I got a ride in a boat through a mangrove swamp full of egrets, though. 8. entry about more repetitive revolutionized entries emotions little other sometimes obviously love experimental disintegrate disappointed pictured material although tilly jerry first traditional songwriters performance nonetheless essentially appreciated your wall really but unreadable throughout thing there structures ridiculous personally performing omaha music introduced great friendship diary definitely adrenaline through someone bellows band treasured temptress something resembles reminding radiohead perfectly paragraph otherwise loveliest impor

Creative Writing Prompts

  Creative Writing What are the different genres of creative writing, and how can I develop my creative writing skills? Creative Writing How to develop a strong plot for a novel? Creative Writing What are some tips for writing convincing dialogue? Creative Writing How to create a unique and memorable setting for your story? Creative Writing How to edit your own writing effectively? Creative Writing What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a story?


Är du en morgon eller kvällsmänniska? 
fredag 7 juni 2024

Copywritings Prompts

Copyright Infringement Defenses What are the defenses to copyright infringement claims, and how can I defend my business against allegations of copyright infringement? Copyright Law What is copyright law, and how can I protect my business's original works of authorship? Copyright Registration What are the benefits of copyright registration, and how can I register my business's works with the U.S. Copyright Office? Copyrights What is copyright law, and how can I protect my business's original works of authorship? Copywriting Rewrite a piece of copy to make it more concise. Copywriting Write a headline that grabs attention and draws readers in. Copywriting Create a copywriting template to use for common pieces. Copywriting Brainstorm ways to make a piece of copy more engaging. Copywriting Come up with 3 different titles for a piece of writing. Copywriting Analyze the effectiveness of a piece of copy and make improvements. Copywriting Write a piece of cop