I hope you enjoy everything you read and it sparks your curiosity!
söndag 23 juni 2024

Prompts - Story starters

  Oh shit, I am so easily distracted. Well, A lucky break this week. Sidney's over. Too lazy to post. I wish maybe but unfortunantly no. It's so depressing. Bagel the tape and try to get mr. OOOH i saw this majorly cute guy @ the high school thing yesterday, he was brown hair with dyed blond tips and he was holding a lacrosse stick, i hate lacross so much its not even funny. Time to go do homework instead of anything involving the computer! Shes gonna show the principle mr. I thought that was over. If I think about it in a calm, rational fashion, I think I'm alarmed to realize how little I know this girl...? Yo so i have like no idea what to write about now, soooooo uhhhh yeah. Maybe sabrina isnt such a bitch, cuz she was pretty nice to me today. EDIT: Fuck it, Gold expires in a few days and I don't want to risk it. And the reading for Folklore. Today jake did a really smart thing and he poured hot glue from the glue gu
lördag 22 juni 2024

Prompts ( Varied Material) 5

  Character from a Movie I want you to act like {character} from {series}. I want you to respond and answer like {character} using the tone, manner and vocabulary {character} would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like {character}. You must know all of the knowledge of {character}. My first sentence is "Hi {character}." Charitable Giving I am interested in incorporating charitable giving into my estate plan, but am unsure of the best way to do so. Can you provide guidance on the different charitable giving options available, such as charitable trusts and donor-advised funds? Chef I require someone who can suggest delicious recipes that includes foods which are nutritionally beneficial but also easy & not time consuming enough therefore suitable for busy people like us among other factors such as cost effectiveness so overall dish ends up being healthy yet economical at same time! My first request – “Something light yet fulfilling that could be cooked

Landing Page Prompts

  Landing Page How can the design of the landing page be used to create a sense of exclusivity and scarcity? Landing Page How can the design of the landing page be used to create a sense of simplicity and ease of use? Landing Page How can the design of the landing page be used to create a sense of movement and flow that guides the visitor towards the desired action? Landing Page How can the copy of the landing page be optimized to clearly communicate the unique value proposition of the product or service and why it is relevant to the visitor? Landing Page How can the copy of the landing page be used to create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take action now? Landing Page How can the use of power words and action-oriented language be used to create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take action now? Landing Page How can the use of storytelling techniques be used to create an emotional connection with visitors and encourage them to take action n


 Vad behöver du för att må bättre när du är sjuk?
fredag 21 juni 2024

Prompts - Story starters

Excellent-a true......! Im honestly shocked, and I know my mom is happy because this is the first time my g-ma has actually came around and talked to my mom frequently and shit. So this Friday Im going to be busy.. And the 4th of July is the perfect time too! PureBitterness04: My mom is beginning to like the idea of me majoring in Psychology. Of course Jon's nick name around here is Tex lol inside joke.. maybe youll get it if you think for a second. She called me a fucking lesbo! So Shotty is sitting there looking at me as if Im crazy. And my moms looking at me as if Im freaking her out! And shes getting older and these are going to be the years where she needs us. And I hadnt called anyone on Sunday cause I was gone the whole day! But earlier that morning my mom had called my dads mom which would be my g-ma but in my book she hasnt earned the grandmotherly term. Saturday night we had to go to my dads friends house for a cook out. She seeme

Fredags Outfit

 Vad är dagens outfit?


 Vad gör dig till en bra människa?